It snowed again yesterday and it was H-E-A-V-Y! Everything turned white within an hour. Unfortunately I was stuck indoors when it was snowing and I had noone to play with outside anyway. But I was really enjoying the walk back home from school. Here are some pictures.
When I was briefly outside running between buildings
My first ball of snow. It was like soft ice, all squishy, mash-able and freezing my fingers! (excuse the pimples)
ID building in TU/e
Too bad the river wasn't frozen. Would've been cool to see it.
Ok, snow's not all beautiful, like this one by the road. Its all muddy and icky!
Dirty snow frozen on a car's mudflap
The snow was this deep
Reflection: me, snow, cathedral (in order of importance, haha)
The view outside my bedroom window
See how the snow falls sideways!
Squishing a ball of ice!